EDUCATION New York University, New York, NYDepartment of Slavic Languages and Literatures Ph.D. February, 1991 Warsaw University, Warsaw, Poland. Masters of Polish Literature and Language 1965. DISSERTATION: The Image of Ancient Rome in the Poetry of Russian Symbolists. (1991) EMPLOYMENT
Senior Lecturer in Polish Columbia University 2005 - Present Dept. of Slavic Languages Lecturer in Polish Columbia University 1999-2005 Dept. of Slavic Languages Adjunct Associate Professor Columbia University 1998-1999of Slavic Languages Dept. of Slavic Languages Adjunct Assistant Professor Columbia University 1993-1998of Slavic Languages Dept. of Slavic Languages Lecturer in Slavic Columbia University 1982-1993Languages Dept. of Slavic Languages Examiner & Consultant Adm. Office of the Courts 1995-2003for Court Interpreting State of New Jersey Test Development Committee Education Testing Service 1987-1988 Free Lance Writer/Interviewer Radio Free Europe 1977-1981 Instructor of Polish Language New York University 1977 Research Assistant Kimbell Research Institute 1971 - 1975 Instructor of Polish Language SUNY at Stony Brook 1970 - 1971 Associate Editor Magazine for the Blind 1965-1969 Courses Taught:Polish Language: Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced Contemporary Polish PoetryMasterpieces of the 19th Cent. Polish PoetryMickiewiczBest Sellers of Polish Prose: Literature and FilmNorth America in the Mirror of Polish LiteratureThe Polish Short Story in a Comparative Context Supervising directed research (8000 level) in Polish literature.Supervising concentration thesis, guided studies, etc.Familiar with proficiency testing and modern techniques of language teaching and testing SUPERVISED: Official second reader of the Master degree thesis in Russian Lit.; Master degree thesis in Polish Lit., co-supervised the senior essay in Comp. Lit.; second reader of written and oral exam Comp.Lit.Reader of a Ph.D. thesis at the Dept. of Slavic Languages. Also: NYU Ph.D. thesis: Narrative in the Ballades of Frederick Chopin: An Aesthetic Study on Rhythm in Reflection of Adam Mickiewicz’s Literary Works. Work in Progress: 1) Adam Mickiewicz - A Romantic Portrait of a Poet. 2) Poetry Reader for Advanced and Intermediate Polish Class. PUBLICATIONS Scholarly book:THE LEGACY OF ANCIENT ROME IN THE RUSSIAN SILVER AGE. Rodopi, Amsterdam/New York, NY, 2007, 220 pp. Book edited: BETWEEN LVOV NEW YORK AND ULYSSES' ITHACA: JÓZEF WITTLIN -- POET, ESSAYIST, NOVELIST. Nicholas Copernicus University, Dept. of Slavic Languages and the East Central European Center Columbia University, New York: Torun 2001. Language teaching related booklet and tape: LIVING LANGUAGE, FAST & EASY POLISH, Adaptation from the original Fast & Easy program. The 60-minute survival program. Crown Publ., Inc., New York, N.Y. 1992. Books of poetry: Between Dawn and the Wind. 2nd edition. Host Publications. Austin, TX 2006 LE VENT, Á NOUVEAU ME CHERCHE the bilingual collection of my poems translated by Alice-Catherine Carls, with preface by Jan Zielinski published by Editinter in France, 2003ZNÓW SZUKA MNIE WIATR (The Wind Seeks Me Again) Warsaw, Poland, 2001W SŁOŃCU LISTOPADA (In November's Sunshine), Kraków, Poland: 2000. JESZCZE W DRODZE ( Still on its way), Warsaw, Poland. 1994OGRODEM I OGRODZENIEM (The Garden and the Fence), Warsaw, Poland. 1993BETWEEN DAWN AND THE WIND. The bilingual selection of poemsTransl. and with an Introd. by Regina Grol-Prokopczyk , Host Publ. Austin, TX 1991DRZEWO ZA OKNEM (The Tree Behind the Window) New York, NY 1991KTORY LAS (Which Forest), London, England 1986INDIAN SUMMER, Sigma Press, Albany, New York 1982TYLKO ZIEMIA ( Only the Earth), London, England 1979ABY WIATR NAMALOWAC (To Paint the Wind), Oficyna Stanislaw Gliwa,London UK 1976 Co-authored:
PO MARCU – WIEDEŃ, RZYM, NOWY JORK, Felicja Bromberg, Anna Frajlich, Władysław Zając.
Midrasz, 2008. Book of letters written to me: Stefania Kossowska, DEFINICJA SZCZESCIA. LISTY DO ANNY FRAJLICH 1972-2003. Archiwum Emigracji, of Uniwersytet Mikolaja Kopernika Torun, 2007. pp. 216. Book chapters:The Scepter of the Far East and the Crown of the Third Rome: the War in the Mirror of Russian Poetry in: Rethinking of the Russo-Japanese War, 1904-5. Centennial Perspectiveed. by Rotem Kowner, Global Oriental, 2007 “Nobody Chooses Loneliness” an interview with Czesław Miłosz, Czeslaw Milosz. Conversations Ed. by Cynthia Haven, Jackson University of Mississippi Press, 2006Zazdrosc, plec i charakter. Michal Choromanski i Otto Weininger. Tlum. Tomasz Kunz; in: Polonistyka po amerykansku. Badania nad literatura polska w Ameryce Polnocnej (1990-2005)ed.: Haliny Filipowicz, Andrzej Karcz i Tamara TrojanowskaWarsaw: IBL 2005 Nierozerwalne związki. Intro to: Bronisław Przyłuski. Wiersze zebrane. Arkana, Kraków, 2005. Wacława Iwaniuka powrót na mistyczną Lubelszczyznę, in: PODRÓŻ W GŁĄB PAMIĘCI. O WACŁAWIE IWANIUKU. SZKICE – WSPOMNIENIA - WIERSZE. Ed. Jan wolski, Henryk Wójcik, Edward Zyman. PFW, Toronto 2005. Henryk Grynberg – His Quest for Artistic and Non-Artistic Truth in: Living in Tanslation: Polish Authors in the United States the Slavic Series published by Editions Rodop, New York Amsterdam 2003. The Contradictions Of The Northern Pilgrim. Dmitrij Merezhkovsky (pp.425-36) in For East is East. Liber Amicorum. Wojciech Skalmowski. Orientalia Louvaniensie Analecta. 2003. Coeditors: Tatiana Soldatienko & Emanuel Waegemans. vol 126 Henryk Grynberg: w poszukiwaniu artystycznej i nieaartystycznej prawdy, in: Życie w przekładzie. ed. Halina Stephan. Wl, Krakow, 2001. Three Great Romans in Brjusov's poetry, STUDIES IN SLAVIC LITERATURES AND CULTURES in Honor of ZOYA YURIEFF, Ed. by M. Sendich; 1988 Essays and articles in English: Review of: Bashnia Viacheslava Ivanova i kul_tura Serebrianogo Veka. Ed. V[sevolod] E[vgen_evich] Bagno, A[ndrei] B[orisovich] Shishkin, et al. St. Petersburg: Filologicheskii fakultet S.-Peterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2006. 384 pp. Notes. Plates. Photographs. Slavic Review; vol. 67/3; Fall 2008. Henryk Grynberg, Uchodźcy (Refugees) (Book review) The Polish Review; vol.LI 2006 no.3-4, p.395 Michał Choromanski and Otto Weininger: Jealousy ,Sex and Character . The Polish Review, Vol. XLVI, No.1,2001:71-80. Czesław Miłosz: the Ambivalent Landscape of Return. WORLD LITERATURE TODAY, Autumn 1999. Intellect Imbued With clarity, Grace, and Humor, Notes on Wislawa Szymborska, The Dirty Goat, 8/97. (the same translated into French by prof. Alice-Catherine Carls appeared in France in Poésie Premiere 8/97) Poet of the Seventh Climate : Recurrent Images of the Poetry of Bronislaw Przyluski, THE POLISH REVIEW,No.1, 1985; Pamela Davidson. The poetic Imagination of Vyacheslav Ivanov. SEEJ No.2, 1991. Translations of poems appeared in WORLD LITERATURE TODAY, TERRA POETICA, ARTFUL DODGE, THE POLISH REVIEW, POET LORE, WISCONSIN REVIEW, MR COGITO, THE JEWISH QUARTERLY, THE DIRTY GOAT,PORTABLE LOWER EAST SIDE, VISIONS, POESIE PREMIERE , LE JOURNAL DES POÉTES, METMENYS, BUFFALO NEWS, and in the anthologies: INTRODUCTION TO MODERN POLISH LITERATURE and COLUMBUS NAMES THE FLOWERS, Over 200 positions: articles, essays, and poems in Polish published in major Polish periodicals in Poland, USA and Europe: WIADOMOSCI, PRZEGLAD POLSKI, TYGODNIK NOWOJORSKI, KULTURA, ARCHIPELAG, TYGODNIK POWSZECHNY, AKCENT, WIEZ, POTOP, REGIONY, MIDRASZ, ARKUSZ, RZECZPOSPOLITA, DZIENNIK,KWARTALNIK ARTYSTYCZNY, POGRANICZA, TOPOS AWARDS & GRANTS Polish Literary Prize of the Koscielski Foundation of Switzerland. 1981. Short Term Grant for research at the Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies at the Wilson Center, Washington, D.C. 1989. American Council of Learned Societies grant to subsidize the teaching of Polish. 1993 The Kosciuszko Foundation Grant for Contemporary Polish Poetry course. 1994 The Kosciuszko Foundation Grant for the 19th Century Polish Poetry course. 1995 The Kosciuszko Foundation Grant for the conference “Jozef Wittlin (1896-1976). New Perspective”. 1996 The Jurzykowski Foundation Grant for the "Jozef Wittlin” conference. 1996 The Kosciuszko Foundation Grant for ADAM MICKIEWICZ course. 1998Aleksander and Alicja Hertz Memorial Fellowship YIVO Institute for Jewish Research 1999 The Knight Cross of the Order of Merit awarded by the President of the Polish Republic 2002 W.& N. Turzanski Foundation Literary Prize, Toronto, Canada 2003 Faculty Publication Grant of Harriman Institute 2001; 2005 & 2007 Honorary title of the Ambassador of Szczecin, Poland 2008 OVERSEAS EXPERIENCE: London (England) : The Trauma of the 1968 Emigration: Exile or Emigration? at the conference: Forty years on. The March 1968 'Anti-Zionist' Campaign and its significance for Polish-Jewish Relations, 11. 27. 2008, France: Conducted research in Biblioteque Polonaise in Paris, France; my poetry was a subject of the session held at Sorbonne, Paris: Recontre avec Anna Frajlich June 2005
Israel Attending and participating in a conference "The Russo-Japanese War and the 20th Century. An Assessment from a Centennial Perspective". February 2004.
Sweden: Lecture at the University of Uppsala, Sweden: “Two Unknown Soldiers” ( On novels of Józef Wittlin & Albert Camus); at the Stockholm University: Intellect Imbued with Clarity, Grace, and Humor. Notes on Wislawa Szymborska; poetry Reading at the Polish Consulate in Stockholm, Sweden. March 14-16, 2000. Poland: Book promotion tours, meeting with the general audience, university and school students, Polish writers and scholars. Participation in the seminars, university lectures, radio and television interviews, and talk shows. 1995 - 2008 Finland: Identity and Difference : the Power of Language Talk at the International PEN-Club Congress at Helsinki. Sept. 1998. The talk was published in the PEN International, Vol. 49, No 1,1999.. ACTIVITIES, COORDINATION AND PARTICIPATION: Participation in Tribute to Józef Wittlin. Organized by Polish Cultural Institute, The Slavic and Baltic Division of Public Library, and the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in New York. Oct.2, 2001 Organized and coordinated academic conference celebrating the Silver Jubilee of the Kościuszko Foundation in New York: North America in the Eyes of the Polish Beholder. Conference in which scholars from New York, Chicago, North Carolina, and Cambrigde, England participated was a real success. From Columbia David Goldfarb, and John Micgiel. Nov. 30. 2000 Poetry reading for the Polish community in Greenpoint. Interview for the Polish Paper “Kurier Plus” April 7, 2000 Coordination and narration of the poetry evening commemorating 20th anniversary of death of Polish poet- Bronis∏aw Przy∏uski. Polish community in New York – Polish-American Bookstore. May 4,2000. A lecture “Adam Mickiewicz - A Romantic Portrait of a Poet” was presented on:Oct. 29, 98. at University of Rochester Oct. 30, 98. at SUNY at Buffalo Nov.12, 98. at Kosciuszko Foundation, NYCDec. 1, 98. at the “Adam Mickiewicz” symposium at Columbia UniversityApr. 8. 99. at Bergen Community College, Bergen, N.J.Participation (lecture) at the Adam Mickiewicz Commemoration Conference at the University of Chicago Oct. 23-24,1999Oct. 18. 2002 at Georgetown University. Center for Eurasian, Russian and East European Studies. Washington D.C.Dec. 2003 at University of Toronto, Canada Aleksander and Alicja Hertz Memorial Lecture: Henryk Grynberg and His Quest for Artistic and Non-artistic Truth.This work was done thanks to the Aleksander and Alicja Hertz Fellowship awarded to me by Max Weinreich Center at YIVO, NYC. Presented on March 15.1999
International Academic Conference: "Jozef Wittlin 1896-1976. New Perspective". Raised funds, coordinated, prepared the exhibit based on the Polish holdings in the Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Columbia University. Participation in the panel . 1996 Languages: Polish, Russian Member : The Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences of America.AASSAATSEELExecutive Board of the International P.E.N. Club, Centre for Writers in Exile. Associations of Polish Writers.